Exciting times ahead as we are now operating our new facility. Fully licensed with approved permits and currently in the process of filling our tanks with *Quality Fish*. Our custom made tanks have been circulating, conditioned and tested.. Ready for fish!
We have our trustworthy Quality Fish suppliers ready (pre-existing and new ones). We have made wonderful relationships both overseas and here in Australia. We base our success on relationships and good quality service.
We look forward to loyal relations as we are determined to please, not only our clients, partners and existing relations, but also maintaining our fish quality giving our customers the best possible prices.
Our team are working constantly to prepare for our busy period ahead. This will make transitioning customers feel safe and secure as they begin a new trusting relationship with all of us here at FISHtian Pty Ltd. Remember, you are always welcome to come in to our facility, meet the team and look for yourself. Have a coffee, take a tour and ask questions.

Our in house breeding are all healthy and growing at the moment and we will be expecting more “fish residents” in the near future. We trust they will like their new “accommodation”.
A big THANK YOU to all the supporters, sponsors and contributors who helped make this facility one of the best in Sydney. We took no short cuts. We thrive on excellence and maintaining industry standards.
Reach out, ring us, email us, connect with us on social media (even our fellow wholesalers). Thats what this industry is all about for us here at FISHtian Pty Ltd; making relationships through our connections. It’s not just about connections, we value relationships – most importantly.
We ALL at FISHtian believe in having fun while working.

Future aquarium retailers that we distribute to will know us personally and know our “voices”. We will be here to answer calls and emails promptly. Our team is dedicated and consists of family too. We hold values in relations and happy customers….and happy fish.
We believe in Quality over quantity – so don’t be disappointed if you miss out, as we will source more.
We hold the same value to relationships for our overseas partnerships. We trust and hold great value in making the right connections and decisions. We have indeed been very particular and conducted lots of research as to quality and reputation for overseas suppliers. Not choosing cheapest prices! But we are choosing reputable quality companies and fish!
Our fish will not be found elsewhere in Australia as we have only exclusives from our wholesalers. We will always strive to look for new and exciting species and fish.
Stay tuned for more updates in the near future and look forward in meeting you all.
FISHtian team